QRT, FST, NST, ECB add-on - Reporting Templates
Solo QRT - log files
- s.01.01 Content of the submission
- s.01.02 Basic information
- s.01.03 Basic Information RFF & MAP
- s.02.01 Balance sheet
- s.02.02 Assets & liabilities by currency
- s.03.01 Off BS - general
- s.03.02 Off BS - guarantees received
- s.03.03 Off BS - guarantees provided
- s.04.01 Activity by country
- s.04.02 Information on class 10
- s.05.01 Prem., claims & exp. - lobs
- s.05.02 Prem., claims & exp. - countries
- s.06.01 Summary of assets
- s.06.02 List of assets
- s.06.03 Collective invest. undertakings
- s.07.01 Structured products
- s.08.01 Open derivatives
- s.08.02 Derivatives transactions
- s.09.01 Profit & loss
- s.10.01 Securities lending & repos
- s.11.01 Assets held as collateral
- s.12.01 Life & health SLT TP
- s.12.02 Life TP - by country
- s.13.01 Cash flows - life
- s.14.01 Life obligations analysis
- s.15.01 Var. ann. - guarantees by prod.
- s.15.02 Var. ann. - hedging
- s.16.01 Ann. stemming from non-life
- s.17.01 Non-life & health NSLT TP
- s.17.02 Non-life TP - BE by country
- s.18.01 Cash flows - non-life
- s.19.01 Non-life claims triangles
- s.20.01 Movements of RBNS claims
- s.21.01 Loss distrib. profile - non-life
- s.21.02 Underwriting risks - non-life
- s.21.03 Non-life mass risks
- s.22.01 LTG and Transitional Measures
- s.22.02 Cash flows - MAP
- s.22.03 Matching adjustment calc.
- s.22.04 Transitional on interest rates
- s.22.05 Transitional on TP
- s.22.06 BE subject to volatility adj.
- s.23.01 Own funds
- s.23.02 Own funds - details
- s.23.03 Own Funds - movements
- s.23.04 Own funds - list of items
- s.24.01 Participations
- s.25.01 SCR - Standard formula
- s.25.02 SCR - Standard formula & PIM
- s.25.03 SCR - Internal model
- s.26.01 SCR - Market risk
- s.26.02 SCR - Counterparty default risk
- s.26.03 SCR - Life risk
- s.26.04 SCR - Health risk
- s.26.05 SCR - Non-life
- s.26.06 SCR - Operational risk
- s.26.07 SCR - Simplifications
- s.27.01 SCR - Non-life catastrophe risk
- s.28.01 MCR - Non-composites
- s.28.02 MCR - Composites
- s.29.01 AoM - Excess of assets over liab.
- s.29.02 AoM - Investments & fin liabilities
- s.29.03 AoM - TP
- s.29.04 AoM - Technical flows vs TP
- s.30.01 Facultative covers – basic
- s.30.02 Facultative covers - shares
- s.30.03 Reinsurance program - basic
- s.30.04 Reinsurance program - shares
- s.31.01 Share of reinsurers
- s.31.02 Special purpose vehicles
- s.36.01 IGT - Investments
- s.36.02 IGT - Derivatives
- s.36.03 IGT - Internal reinsurance
- s.36.04 IGT - Other
Group QRT - log files
- s.01.01 Content of the submission
- s.01.02 Basic information
- s.01.03 Basic information - RFF & MAP
- s.02.01 Balance sheet
- s.02.02 Assets & liabilities by currency
- s.03.01 Off-BS - general
- s.03.02 Off-BS - guarantees received
- s.03.03 Off-BS - guarantees provided
- s.05.01 Prem., claims & exp. - lobs
- s.05.02 Prem., claims & exp. - countries
- s.06.01 Summary of assets
- s.06.02 List of assets
- s.06.03 Collective invest. look-through
- s.07.01 Structured products
- s.08.01 Open derivatives
- s.08.02 Derivatives
- s.09.01 Profit & loss
- s.10.01 Securities lending & repos
- s.11.01 Assets held as collateral
- s.15.01 Var. Ann. - guarantees by prod.
- s.15.02 Var. Ann. - hedging
- s.22.01 LTG & Transitional Measures
- s.23.01 Own funds
- s.23.02 Own funds - details
- s.23.03 Own funds - movement
- s.23.04 Own funds - list of items
- s.25.01 SCR - Standard formula
- s.25.02 SCR - Standard formula & PIM
- s.25.03 SCR - Internal model
- s.26.01 SCR - Market risk
- s.26.02 SCR - Counterparty default risk
- s.26.03 SCR - Life risk
- s.26.04 SCR - Health risk
- s.26.05 SCR - Non-life risk
- s.26.06 SCR - Operational risk
- s.26.07 SCR - Simplifications
- s.27.01 SCR - Non-life catastrophe risk
- s.31.01 Share of reinsurers
- s.31.02 Special purpose vehicles
- s.32.01 Group scope
- s.33.01 Insurance participations SCR
- s.34.01 Other financial sector CR
- s.35.01 Contribution to group TP
- s.36.01 IGT - Investments
- s.36.02 IGT - Derivatives
- s.36.03 IGT - Internal reinsurance
- s.36.04 IGT - Other
- s.37.01 Risk concentration
FST - log files
ECB add-on - log files
- Solvency II [2009/138/EC]
- Omnibus II [2014/51/EU]
- IORP [2003/41/EC]
- Life insurance [2002/83/EC]
- Non-life insurance [73/239/EEC]
- Reinsurance [2005/68/EC]
- Non-life solvency [2002/13/EC]
- Consolidated accounts [83/349/EEC]
- Credit Institutions [2006/48/EC]
- Annual accounts [78/660/EEC]
- Financial conglomerates [2002/87/EC]
- Transferable securities - UCITS [85/611/EEC]
- Insurance groups supervision [98/78/EC]
- Markets in financial instruments [2004/39/EC]
- Money laundering & terrorism [2005/60/EC]
- Securities issuers transparency [2004/109/EC]
- Motor liability insurance [2009/103/EC]
Delegated Acts
- Group solvency
- Valuation of TP
- Reporting & public disclosure
- LTG measures
- Ring-fenced funds
- Internal models
- Undertaking-specific parameters
- Related undertakings
- Look-through approach
- LAC of TP and deferred taxes
- Contract boundaries
- Health catastrophe risk
- Classification of own funds
- Outwards reinsurance
- Life risk
- Ancillary own funds
- Market & counterparty risk in SF
- Basis risk
- Operational functioning of colleges
- Extension of recovery period
- Equivalence assessments
- Market shares for reporting
- Assets & liabilities other than TP
- Technical Annex
- Supervisory review process
- Diagram
- System of governance
- Technical Annex
- Exchange of information within colleges
- Technical Annex
- Supervision of branches of 3CU
- Annex III - Templates
- Annex IV - Log files
- Financial stability reporting
- Annex A - Templates
- Annex B - Log files
- Annex C - Validations
Implementing Technical Standards
- Undertaking-specific parameters
- Internal models
- Ancillary own-funds
- Matching adjustment
- Special purpose vehicles
- Decision on gr internal models
- Capital add-on
- Regional authorities exposures
- Index for equity symmetric adj.
- Adj. for pegged currencies
- External credit assessments
- Supervisory exchange of info
- Supervisory transparency
- Annex I - Templates
- Annex II - Instructions
- Annex III - Options
- Annex I - Templates
- Annex II - Solo log files
- Annex III - Group log files
- Health risk equalisation system
- Regular Supervisory Reporting
- Annex I - Templates
- Annex II - Solo log files
- Annex III - Group log files
- Annex IV - Asset categories
- Annex V - CIC
- Annex VI - CIC definitions
- RSR corrections